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Memory loss can be an intimidating part of a dementia diagnosis. Our team knows how to care for dementia patients and others who are concerned about memory loss.
A dementia diagnosis can be scary. We won’t let it derail your life.
One of the biggest concerns patients have with a dementia diagnosis is the possibility of memory loss. Our team has years of experience caring for patients with dementia and related conditions, and we pride ourselves in delivering compassionate care. We’ll listen to your concerns regarding dementia and create a care plan that helps preserve and protect your memory.
Dementia is not a disease but a condition caused by one or more other conditions that affect memory, cognitive function, and social abilities. Some diseases that cause dementia and dementia-related memory issues are:
A group of diseases that cause breakdown of nerve cells in the frontal and temporal lobes
A common form of dementia caused by build-up of abnormal proteins in the brain
This is a common cause of dementia, associated with plaques and tangles in the brain
This type of dementia is caused by damaged blood vessels that lead to or from the brain
In the beginning stages of dementia, it’s common for friends or relatives to notice your memory loss before you do. Memory loss might include not remembering important people, places and events in your daily activities. If you start to notice memory problems at an advanced age, it could be a good idea to get tested.
In conjunction with memory loss, many dementia patients experience a diminished ability to communicate. This is sometimes due to forgetfulness, including forgetting words and concepts and how to articulate them.
These types of challenges often become apparent when dementia patients begin getting lost during walks or commutes. This can even be true for places and neighborhoods that were once familiar to you or your loved one.
Psychotropic genetic testing helps neurological health experts determine the best course of treatment for your genetic code. Know how your body will respond to every kind of treatment before we settle on a custom care plan.
Have you tried medication to treat some of your neurocognitive symptoms? Whether you’ve taken psychotropic drugs or think they might be right for you, it’s important to understand how your body might react to them. GeneSight helps practitioners like us predict the best course of treatment for your best neurological health.
We use a series of simple, science-based tests that can help us decide whether or not you have dementia or another condition causing your memory loss. After a series of questions about your recent experiences, we’ll help you understand changes in your memory and behavior.
After your evaluation, we will talk together through your symptoms and challenges and deliver a more accurate diagnosis the first time. We hope to help you navigate and adapt to what could otherwise be a confusing and trying time.
Once you’ve received your testing and diagnosis, we will work together to create a comprehensive care plan that helps solve some of your biggest dementia challenges. Dementia can be complicated and create different experiences for different people, so we’ll provide a care plan that’s unique to your symptoms and needs.
Are there other memory loss causes unrelated to dementia?
Yes. Memory loss is common and can be attributed to a number of other conditions. For example, traumatic brain injuries, certain types of infections and cancers, and not enough oxygen being delivered to the brain.
Do people without dementia experience age-related memory loss?
Yes. Some age-related memory loss is normal and may not mean that you or your loved one has dementia.
What are some ways I can determine whether I’m experiencing memory loss?
If you’re concerned you might be experiencing memory loss, you can ask friends and loved ones to monitor your memory and cognitive abilities for changes. Another way you can monitor your own memory is by keeping a journal and noticing patterns or changes in your memory or behavior.
Are dementia and related memory loss preventable?
Scientists are still researching the causes of dementia and related conditions. Currently, there is no sure way to prevent the onset of dementia. However, evidence suggests that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, exercise, stress management, and a proper sleep schedule can help reduce your risk.
Can memory loss be recovered or reversed?
Finding the cause of your memory loss is important in determining the answer to this common question. Memory loss from Alzheimer's disease is irreversible. However, memory loss related to other forms of dementia and other conditions can sometimes be treatable. We work to preserve your existing memory and cognitive function for as long as possible, regardless of your diagnosis.
Is short-term memory loss a sign of dementia?
Short-term memory loss is not often a sign of dementia unless it continues to worsen over time. Dementia and related conditions, like Alzheimer’s disease, are progressive and will continue for the long term. Getting a proper diagnosis and treatment can help you determine whether your short-term memory loss is due to the onset of dementia or some other condition, like a lack of focus, or something else.